
Jeremy Lin Fan Flashes Most Outrageous Sign

A Jeremy Lin fan is down with “linsanity” as she flashes the most outrageous sign for the sensational Asian basketball player.

A young female fan of Jeremy Lin during last Sunday’s game between the New York Knicks and the Dallas Mavericks caught the attention of international news sites and blogs by flashing an outrageous sign that says: “Jeremy I Want You Linside Me.”
People would like to assume that the sign boosted Lin to exhibit yet another beautiful performance as the Knicks’ new superstar point guard put up 28 points, 14 assists and 5 steals in the game as the crowd got in on the Linsanity.
Spotted during the match were veteran actor/director Kevin Costner, Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria and “Saturday Night Live’s” Seth Meyers.


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